Passive House in the EEAC Three-Year Plan

The Massachusetts Energy Efficiency Advisory Council (EEAC) is currently drafting their next Three-Year Plan for how to allocate energy efficiency program funding in the state and they’re considering including programs to fund the development of affordable Passive House buildings. The current draft is available here. Passive House Massachusetts, led by the efforts of our members Hank Keating and Mike Duclos, has been pushing for three main areas of funding:

• Passive House Training for contractors and consultants
• Passive House Pilot Projects and Data Benchmarking
• Green Design Charrettes

On July 31st, PHMA submitted a comment letter, found here, to the EEAC, outlining these areas, why they are important, and how funding could work. The EEAC will be reviewing this and all other comments submitted this fall and should release a final plan by October. Stay tuned for updates.

Past Update (May-July)

On April 4, LISC sent a letter to the EEAC outlining several Passive House related recommendations for the Three-Year Plan.

We need to make sure they hear from those in the community in support of these recommendations in order to ensure their adoption. Please show your support by writing an email to the EEAC. You can do this by following a simple template below or craft your own using the suggested talking points.

All comments need to be submitted by the final deadline on July 31, 2018.

Send to AND

Support for Passive House in the Three-Year Energy Efficiency Plan


To: The Massachusetts Energy Efficiency Advisory Council

Constructing new multifamily buildings to the Passive House standard has proven to be a low cost way to achieve long term energy use and greenhouse gas reductions as well healthier and more resilient buildings.

I strongly support the actions outlined in the LISC letter of 4/4/2018 “Recommendations for EEAC’s 2019-2021 Three-Year Energy Efficiency Plan,” including:

• Passive House Training for contractors and consultants
• Passive House Pilot Projects and Data Benchmarking
• Green Design Charrettes

Thank you for your work to develop and expand energy efficiency programs in Massachusetts and I hope to see these efforts to ensure the development of affordable energy efficient buildings move forward.

Thank you for considering these comments.


Read the LISC letter to the EEAC here.

Comment Guide and Talking Points