Passive House in the EEAC Three-Year Plan
After a year of work from our members and partners, the Massachusetts Energy Efficiency Advisory Council (EEAC) has officially included funding for Passive House in the their new three-year state energy efficiency incentive plan. This includes funding for:
• Passive House Training for contractors and consultants
• Passive House Pilot Projects and Data Benchmarking
• Green Design Charrettes
You can download the full plan here and see planning notes on the EEAC’s site at
Thank you to all of our members and partners for their support in getting this passed. PHMA will continue to work this year to make sure the program is designed well and set up to succeed. Join us at a Training and Education committee meeting to engage in these efforts.
Passive House Design Challenge from the MassCEC
The Massachusetts Clean Energy Center (MassCEC) has introduced a program to demonstrate that multi-family affordable housing can be built to Passive House standards in Massachusetts at a low-to no cost premium. The Passive House Design Challenge will make awards of up to $4,000 per unit for approximately 5-7 new construction affordable housing developments that are seeking Massachusetts Low Income Housing Tax Credits (LIHTC).
Find out more info at the MassCEC’s page here.
Better Building Codes for Net-Zero and Passive House
We are starting to work on influence the next generation of building codes to adopt standards for net-zero buildings with Passive House as a tool to achieve them. You can attend our February meeting to learn more about this issue.