At this year's Passive House Symposium, we featured a session on updating the Massachusetts Stretch Code for Net-Zero and Passive House buildings led by Rebecca Winterich-Knox of the Mass Climate Action Network (MCAN). Thanks to everyone who expressed interest in learning more about how we can make our buildings better, safer, and more efficient. You can check out Rebecca's slides here, or MCAN's 2-pager on the Net Zero stretch code campaign here, to learn more about the ongoing advocacy efforts. For more ways to get involved, read on...

Some important context... in June, the Board of Building Regulations and Standards (BBRS) made a commitment to task their Energy Advisory Committee with the development of a Net Zero stretch code. However, at their meeting on 10/15, the BBRS took a big step backwards by deciding to restructure their Energy Advisory Committee. Six efficient buildings experts will be removed from the committee, and replaced by three contractors. They also banned government staff - including the current chair, who represents DOER - from chairing any advisory committees going forward. 

We want to use the BBRS's upcoming 11/5 public comment hearing as an opportunity to keep our decision-makers accountable to Net Zero buildings and a 100% clean energy future. Here are some other ways you can get involved:
  • Call the Governor’s constituent services office at 617-725-4005, and call your rep (find their contact info here). Please keep us posted if you call so we can keep track! You can find sample language for calling decision-makers as well as posting on social media here.
  • Send this letter to your local municipal climate champ so we can show the BBRS broad municipal support for a Net Zero building code.
  • If you haven't already, sign USGBC's industry support letter for a Net Zero stretch code (we are up to 2,000 signatures and counting - wow!) More details and the letter here:
Thank you for taking action to advance a Net Zero stretch code for our communities and for the Commonwealth! Please feel free to reach out to Rebecca Winterich-Knox at with any questions.